Saturday, August 7, 2010

Women and Earth

Analog thinking reveals that Earth is completely pissed off right now... Women are related to her energy, solidarity with earth and all of us - sisters! - stop the train into hell of patriarchy.
Like a plant that we do not water anymore, ignore and forget the patriarchs, flood them with oceans and petrol, burn them, freeze them, starve them. Let them die.

And yes, there are women, who wrote history, also Osho steps into the trap.
The first human author known by name was a woman. Enheduanna. From Iraq. 5000 years ago. Her time documents are outstanding.

The Book of Women: By Osho

History Is Bunk

...History is just bunk. And history is created by men; no woman has written history. It is male-oriented, it is male-dominated, it is male-managed. It is a false history.
Man has tried to condition woman in such a way that he can exploit her easily, and she cannot even rebel. Slaves always have to be hypnotized in such a way that they cannot rebel. Man has conditioned the woman’s mind in such a way that she thinks the way man wants her to think.
Women have lived like slaves; they have accepted the slavery. You have to throw that slavery completely, you have to come out of it.
Just the other night I was reading that in the sixth century there was a great Christian conference of all the great Christian leaders to decide whether women have souls or not. Fortunately, they decided that women do have souls – but only by one vote. It is not much of a victory. By the majority of one vote! – Just one vote less and historically you would not have any soul. It is not much, this soul.
Man has crushed the whole psychology of women. And whatsoever you see is not really the psychology of women – it is man-made psychology, man-created psychology in women. The more free you will be, the more you will also feel the same way – because men and women are not really so different as they have been thought to be. They are different: their biology is different, and, certainly, their psychology is different – but they are not unequals. Their similarities are more than their dissimilarities.
Women have been so much corrupted and destroyed that it is very difficult to decide what their real psychology is. Don’t listen to history; history is an ugly record – it is a record of long slavery. At least women should not listen to history; they should burn all history books! They should say that history has to be written again.
Excerpted from Osho, The Tantric Vision, Chapter 10

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Read Chris Hedges "BP and the little Eichmanns"

.....Dass die Menschen "halt so sind", kann ich nicht wirklich nachvollziehen. Die weitaus meisten menschlichen Kulturen dieser Welt hatten zuviel Respekt vor der Natur und Mutter Erde, um derart zerstörerische Aktionen zu planen und durchzuführen (wie zum Beispiel Unmengen von "Rohstoffen" aus der Erde zu nehmen und in unvorstellbaren Größenordnungen zu verschwenden für stumpfsinnige Autofahrten und uninspirierte Plastikartikel). Das hochentwickelte ägyptische Reich hat jahrtausendelang fast perfekte Zustände kreiert und wurde erst dann in den Kriegszustand gezwungen, der alles verändert hat. Eigenartigerweise scheint sich ein zerstörerisches Gen von Europa aus um die Welt gemacht zu haben. Es ist schade, um die vielen Kulturen, die Respekt und Intelligenz vereinten, welche einfach plattgewalzt wurden - und immer noch werden, by the way - von den europäischen Ignoranten. Noch mehr bedaure ich, daß wir in unserer unglaublichen Gier und Faulheit alles andere mit nach unten ziehen. Es gibt einen wunderbaren Artikel von Chris Hedges dazu: BP und die kleinen Eichmanns. Lesenswert.